At college or university
Navigating college or university life involves learning new terms and phrases that help you communicate effectively on campus. Whether you’re attending classes, meeting with professors, or working on group projects, these sentences will help you feel more confident in your academic environment.
1. I have a lecture at 10 a.m
2. Can I borrow your notes?
3. What’s the assignment for today?
4. Do you have a class now?
5. I’m studying for an exam
6. Can we meet in the library?
7. I need to register for this course
8. Do you understand the topic?
9. I have a group project to finish
10. Let’s grab lunch after class
11. The lecture was really interesting
12. I’m looking for my classroom
13. I have a presentation tomorrow
14. Where can I find the cafeteria?
15. I need to talk to my professor